Thursday, June 11, 2009

Blog Challenge-Day Eleven-"K"

Today was a bit more difficult to decide what to blog about.  In previous days I've had far too many options and not enough letters to write about them all, but today I had absolutely nothing...until now.  Read this and be spurred to act, all ye of noble heart!!!


As some of you may have heard, I’ve become my FAT class’s resident monarchist.  For many months it’s been a constant joke amidst my classmates that I would move out of the US and reinstate a king as head of a new nation.  But a joke it shall be no longer.  I watch the fate of our nation with trepidation as our democracy becomes more of a joke than my pretended monarchy.  And thus, I shall no longer pretend, but become a monarchist in reality.  A king for the children of the King, I say.  Rather than slick politicians who manipulate the will of the people into blindly choosing their own destruction, let us submit our wills to a king, noble and benevolent, who shall bring back honour and chivalry to a nation of cold hard cash and no ideals.  Those who long for the days of King Arthur will long no longer.  Rise up with me, my friends, and let us reinstate the Round Table and the king who shall lead it.  All us, as knights errant, shall follow a leader noble and brave in the pursuit of goodness, truth, and beauty, and a king shall rule us again.


Ignoratus said...

so I'm guessing you have problems with socialism? :-P

but wouldn't it be nice if the government took care of us?

Elizabeth said...

Hahaha although this post was somewhat tongue-in-cheek, yes.

And no, it wouldn't. We wouldn't be our own men (or women) if they took care of us...I don't want to sell my liberty to buy my safety ;) (more to come in bubbs...hahaha)

Ariel said...

"Give me liberty or give me death!" Oh how those words still ring true yet have been lost in the echoing halls of yester-year.