Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Blog Challenge-Day Two-"B"

Day two of the blog challenge...coming soon...Tuesday Shout Out


In the past several months, I’ve experienced a lot of death.  Not physical, for the most part, but spiritual/emotional.  Many things have ended...school, relationships, dreams.  But in every death, there is a new birth.  In the death of school, there is the birth of vacation.  In the death of one relationship comes the birth or stronger growth of another.  In the death of an addiction or too-tightly held plan or desire comes the birth of God-given dreams.  As Lewis depicts in the Great Divorce, our fleshly desires must die to live again more gloriously.  In the novel a man with a lizard on his shoulder is confronted by a Bright One desirous of killing the lizard.   When the lizard dies, there is a moment of agonizing pain as the old dreams so long nurtured are killed.  But afterwards there is the glorious rebirth of a stallion, majestic and new.  And so it is in my life.  Something I have held onto closely, cherished deeply, protected desperately, must die.  The knife strikes, the pain is agonizing.  But birth follows death.  In place of a lizard I am given a stallion.  In place of death comes new life.

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