Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Blog Challenge-Day Three-"C"

Day three is here....this was a hard one because there are so many C's I wanted to write about-Chesterton, chocolate, creativity,  Chopin, colour...the list goes on.  But here it is, narrowed down to one at last...also, pics from the Torrey Banquet will be coming shortly...:)


For those of you who know me well, you probably aren’t surprised that Chesterton won out over everything else, even chocolate.  But ever since the summer  when I read The Man Who Was Thursday for the first time, I have loved Chesterton’s writings.  From brilliant non-fiction such as Orthodoxy to whimsical novels such as The Club of Queer Trades to inspiring, beautiful poetry like The Last Hero, Chesterton’s writings seem to be filled to the brim with life and vigor.  For the past several months it’s driven me to desperation, almost, attempting to articulate this key quality that distinguishes Chesterton from other authors.  But at the Torrey Banquet this month, Mr. Griffiths (also a self-proclaimed Chesterton nut) said something that made things much more clear to me.  He described this crucial part of Chesterton as wonder. the world, seeing everything as if you saw it for the first time.  And this is what Chesterton does...he takes a simple, everyday image, turns it inside out and upside down, and presents it to us anew so that we may once again experience that childlike wonder at the world.  This clarity and wonder is why I love Chesterton.

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