Saturday, June 20, 2009

Blog Challenge-Day Twenty-"T"

Today's blog post is going to be slightly different.  Inspired by Gabriel's Happiness is (found at it'll be in list and phrase format rather than a full paragraph with complete sentences.  It'll still be 200 words on a topic beginning with T though, so don't worry :)

T-True Happiness

True Happiness is...

the sun peeking through the clouds over the mountains after many weeks of dreary fogginess

silly chatter and laughter with best friends who love you no matter what you say

knowing who you are and what God requires of you, and acting on it

being surrounded by people who care, discussing the ideas that matter most

driving into the sunset with cool wind blowing your hair while listening to Mae

licking the spoon after baking chocolate chip cookies with Grandma

saying “terrible good” and knowing there are crazy teenagers who know what you mean

the moment when an idea from a book finally ‘clicks’ and you realize what that other author was talking about

reading Chesterton’s poetry while eating an apple and listening to Elgar’s Cello Concerto

playing a piece on the piano and realizing that a part of your soul was somehow wrapped up in that piece

the tears that come to your eyes when you look around you and realize that all you need for life is here in this room

looking into someone’s eyes and being allowed a glimpse into their soul

loving someone wholeheartedly without fear of rejection

glorifying and enjoying God forever