Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tea Party Pictures

One of my mom's china tea pots.
Food on the table
Another picture of food
Lovely cream cheese cucumber sandwiches.
Since I had forgotten how to put the pictures in the post the way I like it, here they are in a separate post.
Under the mercy,

Tea Parties are an Adventure...

...especially at our house.  This week, brother Josh is at a basketball camp all day, so yesterday I decided to have a tea party with Sarah and Hannah (younger sisters age 10 and 4 1/2).  While my mom did the grocery shopping, I spent the morning making lemon tarts, setting the table, and dishing up the food.  We were planning on having a luncheon tea and watching Easter Parade before my brother came home.
After finishing the cooking, Sarah and I went upstairs to change into our party dresses.  While in my room, I felt the room start to quake a bit.  Since I'm right over the garage, I assumed it was just my dad coming home from work.  When the shaking didn't stop, but instead got much bigger, I decided it probably wasn't the garage :)  The quake lasted probably a minute, and was definitely one of the largest quakes we've had here in several years.  Fortunately, no one was injured and nothing broke, though every so often we'll open a cupboard and something will fall out.  We later learned that it was a 5.4 magnitude earthquake centered in Chino Hills, not too far from us.  It was quite the adventure to start our tea party off with. 
Once we had recovered from the shock (literally) we were able to continue with our tea party.  For lunch we had grapes, cucumber salad, chicken salad sandwiches and cucumber cream cheese sandwiches, and scones with strawberry preserves, lemon curd, and whipped cream.   After lunch we had lemon tarts, chocolate pudding cake, and marshmellow fudge brownies.  The girls had a very fun time dressing up and having a fancy lunch, even though they were a bit rattled from the earthquake.  Definitely quite the adventure at our tea party!
Under the mercy,

Monday, July 28, 2008

Drumroll please...the first post!!!!!

Hello all!  Welcome to the very first post of an inquisitive inkblot!  Though I am moving out of the wonderful realm of Inklings into the next wonderful realm of Foundations, I still like to consider myself an inkblot in the great wide world of writers.  In my blogging realm, you will be treated to some of my musings on great books, music, movies, and thoughts on goodness, truth, and beauty in general.  For the icing on the cake, I'll also post pictures, poems and pictures, random silliness, and updates on my life.  I also just want to say for anyone who may be reading, I LOVE WHEATSTONE!!!!!   Go to Wheatstone, it'll change your life.
Under the Mercy,