Friday, January 9, 2009

A Fairy Tale-Part 3

For many months, the princess had attempted to keep silent about her true feelings for the knight.  But one night, she decided.  She simply could not keep silent for one night longer.  This particular night, her knight seemed particularly silent.  Several times the princess ventured a topic of conversation, only to be met with brief one word answers or silence born of deep thought.  Sighing, the princess despaired of ever working up the courage to speak of her deep love for this knight who had captured her heart.  She turned away from the window, when a voice stopped her.  
"Princess," her knight halted her.  "Please, if you will, I must share something with you."  Turning back, the princess stopped and stood with an air of expectancy.  
"Princess," the knight began slowly, choosing each word carefully.  "For some time now I have been struggling against these feelings.  But it will not do, I can no longer keep silent.  Your beauty, your wit, your charm and grace, all these have captured my heart.  Now I know that you must hate me for speaking to you like this.  Me, a humble knight, daring to fall in love with the princess of the kingdom and future heir to the throne.  But...I must speak out.  I must be allowed to tell you how deeply and desperately I Love You."  
With tears shining in her eyes, the princess gazed down upon her knight, for he was her knight in truth now.  "As it is the time for confessions, sir, I have one of my own to make.  For some weeks now, I have felt myself falling ever deeper in love with you.  I truly did attempt to stop it, for I knew of your maiden back home, and never dared to think that you could love me too, but tonight I knew I could not keep silent one moment longer.  You have made me so happy, and I Love You."  
Their emotions overflowing too great for words, the princess and her knight did the only thing they could.  Running swiftly down the winding tower stairs, the princess flew into the arms of her one and only.  As they stood together in the moonlight, they could think and speak of nothing but their newfound love, murmuring words of affection to one another.  When they finally bid one another goodnight, the princess happily climbed her tower steps, certain that she could need nothing more to be truly happy.  But in the back of her mind, a nagging thought long would this dream come true last?
To be continued...


Ignoratus said...

Seeing as it's a fairy tale, part four should consist of "They lived happily ever after..."

Very interesting...

Cree said...
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Ignoratus said...

Even if Life isn't, Cree...
That's no reason for Fairytales not to be :-)
~Mr Biggs