Tuesday, September 23, 2008

3 things, or the relationship of Goodness Truth and Beauty to the three parts of man

Today in Foundations we talked about a lot of wonderful things, including Chesterton.  But the biggest by far was an amazing epiphany I had regarding threes.  Ever since Wheatstone I've been fascinated by sets of three...namely Goodness Truth and Beauty, as well as Hands Head and Heart.  I was particularly thrilled to discover the correlation of the three aforementioned parts of man to Lewis' description in the Abolition of Man to the Stomach, Head and Chest.  
Plato's Phaedrus also talks in some detail about threes.  In said dialogue, Socrates gives a description of the soul as a charioteer (Reason) and a good and bad horse, one which represents good desires and one sinful desires (as near as I can make out from Plato, that is).  It's interesting that you can tie that description from Plato to Lewis' statement that...The Head (charioteer/reason) rules the Stomach (bad horse/fleshly desires) through the Chest (good horse/right desires).  
But today in class Mr. Bartel tied them all together in an amazing way.  For some time now I've been trying to find some correlation between the soul's three parts and the three pillars of Christian living, goodness truth and beauty.  What Mr. Bartel showed us today was how they relate.  
1) Hands-Goodness most closely relates to the hands.  How to live rightly, do good things, etc.
2) Head-Truth-What is truth, how can we know things...truth deals mainly with the intellect.
3) Heart-Beauty-what are right sentiments and feelings?  What is truly beautiful and how do we recognize it...beauty deals mainly with the heart.
I am very excited to see this finally tying together.  Thank you so much Mr. Bartel for enlightening me in this!  And thank you Wheatstone for first opening my mind to these wonderful threes!
Under the mercy,

1 comment:

Gabriel said...

Notice also that Wheastone's emblem is three bars. Now if only we could figure out Faith, Hope, and Love...