Monday, September 21, 2009

The doom of men is upon me, or what in the world have I just done, or...

...oh my goodness I just submitted my college applications to Providence and Biola!!!  Help!  I must now await with baited breath the outcome of these applications into which I have poured blood, sweat, and tears...well maybe not blood, or sweat, except for when we didn't have the AC on, and no tears...well, you get what I mean ;)  But anyways, they're off!  Which means I can work on my THI application, and then...wait.  And then...make major decisions.  And by them.  Pray for me now and at the hour of my death.


Calvin said...

what makes you consider Providence? :)

Elizabeth said...

:) It's very small, has a very very strong Biblical foundation and academic emphasis, very good professor to student ratio and the professors are really there for the students, being small there is a lot of good opportunity for community...and my 5th/6th grade teacher and dear friend is faculty there and is doing her best to convince me to attend. How do you know Providence?

MK Reynolds said...

oops! Sorry, that was Mary Kate :P

I didn't know anything about Providence, but I learned tonight that Anthony Esolen teaches? there. :)

Elizabeth said...

Ooh, hello Mary Kate :)
Alright...I hadn't heard that he does, but that would be fantastic if he did :) You are thinking of Providence Christian College here in southern California, yes?

MK Reynolds said...

oops! No, I saw the one in Rhode Island. :P

I must re-google. :)