Saturday, August 2, 2008

A title for this poem


Spoken into silence, the everlasting word

Out of nothing something; God’s holy divine light

From darkness o’er the world, God’s mighty voice was heard.

We were blind and speechless, but words we were assured

All the world lay silent, and darker than the night

Spoken into silence, the everlasting word

Coming down from heaven, realm of spoken word

Into world of quiet shone a single ray so bright

From darkness o’er the world, God’s might voice was heard.

“See my flesh, my Son here, who’s come into the world

Speaking words of wisdom, changing wrong to right.”

Spoken into silence, the everlasting word.

We looked for HIs coming, to hear HIs voice we yearned

Out of babble, clearness, Our of shadows, light

From darkness o’er the world God’s might voice was heard.

Though our speech is woven with words both black and pure

Only words from heaven are words that have true might

Spoken into silence, the everlasting word

From darkness o’er the world, God’s mighty voice was heard.

This was a new form I was experimenting with yesterday.  I can't remember what the name of it was, but the basic structure is A1aA2/abA1/abA2/abA1/abA2/abA1A2 where A1 and A2 are two different rhyming refrains.  So, does anyone have a suggestion for a title for this poem?

Under the mercy,



Cree said...

A quite obvious title would be, "A Light in the Darkness," but perhaps that is not ambiguous or vague enough for poetry. Perhaps, "Calm in the Storm," "Peace among Clamor," "The Word and the World," or something of the sort. I'm not very poetic, so if this was absolutely no help, I apologize.

GAClive said...

That was very good! When i find myself stumped for a poem's title I take the words that would best describe it (or whatever you wish it to be) and put it into latin...It always adds a nice flair to things...But that's just me!