Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Rather Queer Occurance

Well, today something rather strange happened, though I'm still not quite sure what.  To begin with, my dad took Josh and I into the doctor's early this morning (as in 7AM) to get our blood tests.  Last time I was in for a blood test was between two and three years ago, so it's been quite a while.  But still, I wasn't too concerned.  I remembered that it wasn't too painful, they'd just take out the blood and be done with it.  
So we go in, wait around a while, and finally get our blood drawn.  I go up there and sit down, the guy takes the blood out, and I'm done.  While I'm waiting for my brother, I go lean up against a table because I'm feeling a bit light headed and queasy.  Gradually, the world begins to recede from view as the ringing in my ears grows stronger.  Before I know it, I'm lying on the table with voices buzzing around me.  "Elizabeth, Elizabeth," my dad calls insistantly.  Reluctantly, I respond, hoping to clear my clouded vision and calm my spinning stomach.  As the world comes slowly into view, my dad offers me a sip of water .  In a few minutes everything is normal once again.  Sitting up, I eagerly declare that I'm ok and slide neatly off the table.  Concerned, my dad and the assistants urge me to take it easy.   Protesting against all thoughts that there might be a problem, I nonchalantly leave the office.
For some time, I staunchly declared that I was fully conscious the entire time and never passed out.  But now I've come to accept the inevitable truth.  I have fainted for the first time in my life.  And it was a rather scary thing...but at the same time, if I had not fainted, what would I have to blog about?


MK Reynolds said...

oh dear! :/ Are you feeling better now?

Elizabeth said...

Oh yes, thank you...I was quite alright as soon as I got home. :)