Monday, June 8, 2009

Blog Challenge-Day 7.5-"G"

Hello all!  So, since yesterday was Sunday, obviously I was unable to post that day's blog challenge here.  However, I did write two hundred words on a topic starting with the letter G, so I'm still covered, right?  

Grace, to me, holds many meanings.  In various conversations it conjurs up widely diverse word pictures, depending on the context.  Grace...the name of a family pet, a church acquaintance with exhuberant laughter and untameable blond hair, a dear Torrey friend with a love for children's literature and vibrant personality, the church I've attended for the past three years with all its flaws and virtues.  But most importantly, grace is the gift which God so miraculously gives upon me time and time again.  So often I stumble, fall, and even outright turn away.  But each time I fail, GOd is there, reaching out and offering me a second chance.  Out of all God's attributes (which we've been studying in Sunday School for the past couple months, by the way), His grace to a world of wayward sinners is one that never ceases to amaze me.  "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,/ that saved a wretch like me," penned John Newton.  Once a captain of a slave ship, he appeared to be one of the greatest sinners of his day.  But God's grace was sufficient to cover all his sins, and God's grace is sufficient to cover all of mine.

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