Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tuesday Shout Out

Hello all again!
Today's Tuesday shout out goes to....drumroll please...Gabriel Choo!!!!!

Gabriel is an awesomely brilliant Torrey friend who knows everything there is to know about Dante, Rachmaninoff, and making awesome travel videos :)  His boundless energy and enthusiasm for pursuing goodness truth and beauty constantly amaze me, and inspire me to pursue this triad too.  Congratulations Gabriel for willing the term paper contest, and for your fantastic rendition of the St. Crispins Day speech.  You are an amazing musician with a passion for your piano, and a fantastic discussioner who always brings new insights to the table.  Above all, your friendship is inspiring to us all as you urge us to move further up and further in.  Congrats on graduating and going to THI, you are amazing.  :)  
P. S. If I forgot anything crucial please tell me :)  Also...vote on who the next shout out should go to :)


Gabriel said...

GASP! I don't know how I missed this! =P

Thank you so much. =D

I vote you give a little blurb to Ariel Sheegog. ;)

Elizabeth said...

Awww you're welcome Gabriel. And I'm actually planning to do her today :) Thank you for the comments!!!