Monday, June 22, 2009

Blog Challenge-Day Twenty Two-"V"


People have many different physical features that set them apart from everyone else, that make them unique, that single them out from the crowd and say, or even shout, “This is me!”  And different people have different physical features that they will notice more easily.  Some of my friends say that the first thing they notice about someone is their hair.  Curly or straight, long or short, brown, black or blond, our hair is the defining characteristic to many of our friends.  To other people, it is the eyes that set one friend apart from another.  When meeting someone new, these people are drawn instantly to their eyes, not only to their colour and shape, but their expression.  But for me, one of the most distinguishing characteristics of a person, the easiest way for me to pick my friends out of a crowd, is their voices.  Loud and exhuberant, soft and sweet, deep and resonant, shrill or smooth, no matter what the characteristic, each person’s voice has its own peculiar quality that sets it apart from the voice of every other person I know.  Hair will grow grey, a face is easily forgotten, but your voice will never be forgotten.

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